The National Center for Environmental Justice (NCEJ) is one of the non-profit civil society organizations licensed in Jordan by the Ministry of Social Development / Associations Register bearing the national number (2012051100005), which was established in 2012, as the first environmental association concerned with protecting the environment from the legal aspect in Jordan.

 The center includes a group of jurists and experts specialized in the legal environmental field, and the center pays most attention to dedicating and raising the level of environmental legal awareness and achieving the principle of environmental and climate justice, within the promotion of the concept of the rule of law in the framework of the dimensions of sustainable development, strengthening the concept of environmental rights as one of the basic rights devoted to human beings, and improving and codifying the legislation governing the environment, improving its properties, in harmony with national, regional and international requirements, within an operational and enabling approach to move towards a present and a promising future for current and future generations, in the context of local and regional work.

Within its vision, the Center seeks to be a “leading center for environmental legal awareness”, and to achieve it through its mission to “raise awareness of environmental rights and issues to consolidate environmental and climate justice locally and regionally.”

To achieve this message, we adopt specific goals, the most important of which are:

  • Build a generation capable of defending environmental rights within the dimensions of sustainable development.
  • Improve legal environmental protection in legislative, judicial, and executive terms.
  • Strengthen effective partnerships and discourses, locally and regionally, to reach environmental and climate justice goals.
  • Improve stakeholders’ skills to advocate environmental rights.
  • Frame the legal responsibility for the environmental violation and endorse it legislatively and judicially
  • Establish a specialized environmental judiciary

The National Center for Environmental Justice (NCEJ) has implemented many projects, studies, research, and awareness in the field of environmental law and environmental and climate justice, in cooperation and partnership with local, regional and international institutions, bodies, and official and civil bodies.

In its management, the National Center for Environmental Justice (NCEJ) pursues good governance and transparency in administrative work through:

  • Adopting a transparent administrative, legal and regulatory approach based on accountability and responsibility and distributing tasks fairly and impartially, which in turn reflects the standards and foundations adopted by the Center.

– The Center has developed and updated its administrative organizational structure based on the establishment of its departments and units on a vision, goals, and strategic plans that are applicable on the ground.


The umbrella of the National Center for Environmental Justice includes a group of young and specialized volunteers, as well as a large group of experts and legal professionals.


Since its launch, the National Center for Environmental Justice (NCEJ) has formed a network of alliances and partnerships with many local, regional and international bodies and civil society institutions by adopting the best administrative and financial standards based on trust to achieve credibility, integrity, and transparency to reach the best standards of guiding governance.

 Administrative Affairs:

The administrative body:

The NCEJ’s work policies define an administrative body that is elected by the public body every four years through secret elections with integrity and transparency.


The elected head of the administrative body is responsible and accountable to the authority for managing the center and developing its work. He submits his report at every meeting of the authority, which is often periodic, every 45 days, for review, discussion and approval.


Through the administrative department, the administration of administrative affairs is carried out with the highest quality standards by attracting talents.


  • In its financial, the Center relies on the Financial Affairs Department to achieve financial discipline with the highest quality standards and the existence of records, documents, and legal accounting, and there is legal representation for the Center.
  • The Assembly approved the signature of the Secretary and the Treasurer jointly on amounts exceeding 3000 (three thousand) dinars, and individually on amounts less than three thousand Jordanian dinars.
  • Payments from the center shall be in the form of a voucher to be signed by the accountant, the financial manager, and then the treasurer.

Conflict of interest:

The National Center for Environmental Justice takes all legal measures to avoid “conflicts of interest.”


  • The center does not accept any donations or funding without announcing the funding agency and the legality of the donation through the presence of the necessary documents to determine the sources of funding before the administrative body on the one hand and the official authorities on the other hand.
  • All donations or funding must be documented in official and announced contracts and transfer procedures and described to the authorities responsible for the work of the National Center for Environmental Justice.
  • The National Center accepts donations and funding from legally acceptable entities, taking into account the avoidance of suspicious entities in the areas of terrorism, money laundering, or organized crime in any of its forms.
  • The Center does not accept donations and conditional funding from any party, except for the conditions stipulated in the financing contract to ensure the completion of the project or the purpose for which the Center obtained funding for its implementation after obtaining approvals from the official Jordanian authorities.


  • In its internal affairs, the Center relies on the principle of clarity and accountability in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the officials and employees of the administrative departments.
  • Everyone in the National Center for Environmental Justice has rights that include access to health insurance and social security and the obligation to pay salaries on time as stipulated in the contract signed with him, but at the same time he is held accountable for violating his duties or causing a delay in work, or even intending to waste rights and work of NCEJ.
  • Our code of conduct and ethics is built on our beliefs, the belief that we are committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for all, no harm, abuse, racism, or gender bias is allowed or tolerated.


The center is primarily governed by Jordanian law and is subject to judicial jurisdiction by the Jordanian courts.