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CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Our News

The conclusion of “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)” workshop

The conclusion of the workshop “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)”, as part of the project “Administrative Structure of the Environmental Justice Sector in Jordan” NCEJ The workshop on “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)” was concluded today, as part of the “Administrative […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Our News

Launching the 2nd session of the workshop “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)”

NCEJ The second session of the workshop “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)” was launched. It included the following topics, “The specificity of civil liability for environmental damage and the difficulties it raises” and was presented by Judge Abdullah Abu Al-Ghanem, and ” Sensitivity of evidence in environmental crimes”. […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Our News

The launch of the workshop “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)”

The workshop on “The Role of the Jordanian Judiciary in Addressing Environmental Crimes (First Level)” was launched today as part of the “Administrative Structuring of the Environmental Justice Sector in Jordan” project, which is organized by the National Center for Environmental Justice (NCEJ) with the support of the French Embassy.

CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Reports and Statistics

The Ways humans are destroying Earth’s Environment

Seven ways in which our destruction of the natural world has led to deadly outcomes NCEJ 1. As Indian vultures decline, the number of rabies cases rise In the early 1990s, vultures across India started dying inexplicably. Long-billed, slender-billed, and oriental white-backed vultures declined to the brink of extinction, with the number of India’s most […]

CategoriesCOP27 Environmental Articles News

Negotiators at COP27 Strike a Deal on Loss-and-Damage Fund for Vulnerable Countries

The fund would target the most vulnerable countries, delegates said, a key demand from wealthy nations that didn’t want money flowing to China and other higher-income countries. NCEJ Negotiators at United Nations climate talks struck a deal Saturday to set up a fund that would pay for climate-related damage in vulnerable countries, officials said, handing […]