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CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Reports and Statistics

The Ways humans are destroying Earth’s Environment

Seven ways in which our destruction of the natural world has led to deadly outcomes NCEJ 1. As Indian vultures decline, the number of rabies cases rise In the early 1990s, vultures across India started dying inexplicably. Long-billed, slender-billed, and oriental white-backed vultures declined to the brink of extinction, with the number of India’s most […]

CategoriesCOP27 Environmental Articles News Reports and Statistics

COP27: The true cost of Europe’s climate extremes in data: Which country has been hit hardest?

At COP27, world leaders will be discussing how to take concrete action against the collective threat of climate change. Its impacts have become increasingly more evident with extreme weather such as heat waves, floods, and storms. NCEJ These changes are causing losses around the world. In the EU alone, climate change-related extremes caused over €145 […]

CategoriesOur Opinion Reports and Statistics

UN warns of a global warming of 2.6 degrees & The real threat to marine ecosystems

The United Nations warned in a report that climate warming could reach 2.6 degrees Celsius, by the end of the century, given current pledges to combat greenhouse gas emissions, an outcome that United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres considered “pathetically below the required level.” NCEJ UN Secretary-General Guterres has called for an end to “greenwashing” and […]

CategoriesNews Reports and Statistics

Climate change is destroying the archaeological treasures of the Arab Region

The repercussions of climate change affect almost everything, in light of the extreme climate witnessed by the world in general and the Middle East in particular, cities and archaeological and cultural sites are vulnerable to destruction and collapse, according to experts. In this context, environmental and climate experts warn that the dangers of climate change […]

CategoriesNews Reports and Statistics

Build momentum to ‘finish the job’ and end COVID-19 pandemic, Guterres urges

Senior UN officials, including Secretary-General António Guterres, took part in a High-Level event at UN Headquarters in New York, noting the encouraging progress that has been made towards ending the COVID-19 pandemic, while acknowledging that work still needs to be done to ensure the most vulnerable are protected. Mr. Guterres celebrated rising vaccination coverage worldwide, […]

CategoriesEnvironmental Articles Reports and Statistics

How does capitalism deceive us in the name of preserving the environment?

With the escalation of the global trend to preserve the environment, and the growing awareness of environmental issues, climate change issues, and sustainability, consumer demand for environmentally friendly products is growing, and many brands are rushing to promote the adoption of environmental initiatives to reduce pollution and use clean energy. Translated by NCEJ: The irony […]