The launch of the first phase of the project “Promoting home Aquaponics through environmental empowerment in the face of the COVID19 crisis”

The first phase of the project “Promoting home hydroponics through environmental empowerment in the face of the Corona crisis” funded by the Ministry of Environment – Environmental Protection Fund was launched today in the northern Jordan Valley, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Obeidat, representing the Minister of Environment, and Mr. Uday Shoman, Acting Director of the Environmental Protection Fund…

The first phase of the project “Promoting home hydroponics through environmental empowerment in the face of the Corona crisis” funded by the Ministry of Environment – Environmental Protection Fund was launched today in the northern Jordan Valley, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Obeidat, representing the Minister of Environment, and Mr. Uday Shoman, Acting Director of the Environmental Protection Fund and Mr. Muhammad Al-Saqour, Director of Environment in the Jordan Valley, Mayor of Sharhabeel bin Hasna Muhammad Al-Murabaha, and representatives of the region in the Irbid Governorate Council and the local community.

Dr. Muhammad Eyadat, Chairman of the National Center for Environmental Justice, stressed the importance of this project funded by the Ministry of Environment and its implementation at this stage in order to achieve food security for the groups most affected by the prevailing conditions such as the Corona crisis and its repercussions, and to enable them to use and adapt technology to increase their family income and exploit small spaces that do not need To a large water abundance, whether through modern hydroponics units and environmental marketing, which will reflect on their increased income.

Dr. Eyadat also explained the vision of the National Center for Environmental Justice in promoting such projects, which in turn reflect the goal of environmental justice.

In turn, Dr. Ahmed Obeidat stressed the ministry’s role in supporting civil society organizations active in the field of environmental rights and strengthening their role in communicating with local communities to bridge poverty and unemployment gaps as one of the most important means of the ministry and the Environmental Protection Fund that work with a participatory institution towards achieving the greater environmental goal.

The first day included a diagram of the idea of ​​the project and the steps that will be taken during the implementation period of the project. The media advisor to the National Center for Environmental Justice, Hanin Abu AlRub, explained the importance of accurately understanding the idea of ​​environmental marketing for products and choosing the most appropriate platforms to present them to reach the target audience. Dr. Nada also presented Hamdan, the training consultant at the center, gave a presentation on agricultural environmental practices and how to transform dealing with them in order to invest behaviours to increase productivity and thus achieve sustainability.

The day was concluded with Mr. Mahmoud Nasser, Manager of the Al Rajeh Foundation for Sustainability and Development, which was assigned to implement the project, presented the importance of moving towards the use of technology in agriculture in order to reduce the gap between market needs and available agricultural products.

He also explained the stages of project implementation and the exploitation of small spaces for homes and lands and their adaptation to be a stable source of income for families.

Note that the project contains several phases and covers several regions in the Kingdom and will be implemented during the next phase of this year.

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