International exchange student from USA concludes training with NCEJ

Rose Nadelhoffer is an American student from the USA, she joined NCEJ training program as part of the collaboration NCEJ provides to education institutions in Jordan.


Below is here experience as she lived it

My name is Rose and I am an American student from the University of Denver. This semester, I studied abroad with the School for International Training’s Geopolitics, International Relations and the Future of the Middle East program. As part of my academic program, I had the opportunity to intern with the National Center for Environmental Justice for a month.

I was exposed to the concept of environmental justice in Denver, Colorado and chose to focus upon women-led environmental justice movements in the water-scarce Colorado River Basin for my undergraduate honours thesis. I sought to study the parallel movement in Amman while studying abroad in hopes of understanding how local environmental justice organizations navigate Jordan’s unique environmental challenges and socio-political climate.

At NCEJ, I was privileged to conduct research regarding Jordanian environmental issues and develop intervention plans for promoting greater drought resiliency and preserving Jordanian monuments and cultural practices. I am incredibly grateful for the one-on-one mentorship I received at NCEJ and for my supervisors’ willingness to let me make meaningful contributions to their projects.

My time at NCEJ stands out as one of the most educational experiences of my study abroad, and has been massively valuable for my personal, academic, and professional development. Thank you to my NCEJ family for welcoming me in with open arms and for helping to make my time in Jordan incredible!

We wish you all the best Rose


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